

الجمعة، 18 أكتوبر 2013


Glance for Alchordat on Keyboards named YAMAHA PSR A 1000

Kurds is a sync of the song by the addition of Drums or drum machines sync or the so-called PAL bass at the same time and these are denoted Alchordat symbols are written above the notes when you write musical notation

[align = justify] 1. FillYAMAHA Keyboard and press the button until the ACMP light bulb his own and this is a button musical Bagliamaha the attendant
2. Went to the screen you 'll find on the left marked Function button press it
3. From the menu chose Style Setting ( pressed c)
4. Choose from the screen above chord fingering
5. From the menu on the left below Fingering Type chose them chose Single Finger
6. Get out now from the screen to return to the home screen
7. Now chose sync / start from the same side from which you choose to sync button
8. Ikbis button c ( the so-called C Chord ) and immediately leave [/ align]

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